PC Assembilies
Pressure Compensating Assemblies
Pressure Compensating Spot-Spitter PC Assemblies give your nursery the industry-leading Spot-Spitter spray pattern, while ensuring every plant gets exactly the same amount of water every time you irrigate. Use Spot-Spitter PC Assemblies for your highest value crops and most demanding applications.
Each Assembly includes a “Compensating, No-Leak” (CNL) barbed flow regulator on one end which plugs directly into your supply lateral, and a 3 or 4 foot length of spaghetti tubing which connects to a Spot-Spitter on the other end. Compensating means that each Spitter outputs the same flow rate at any line pressure between 20 and 60 psi. No Leak means flow shuts off
whenever pressure is below 2 psi, so all Spitters on each zone turn on and off simultaneously when you irrigate.
Use Primerus PC Assemblies with any Dark Green, Light Green, Orange or Brown Spot-Spitter, including the Standard, Short and Tall lengths, and both the Standard (AG) and Downspray (DS) patterns. Primerus PC Assemblies are for your highest value crops and most challenging applications, and are a must for high frequency irrigation.
Nonuniformity is Your Enemy
Nonuniformity is your enemy if you operate a nursery. If some plants get more water than others when you irrigate, you need to run your system long enough to satisfy the plants in your lowest flow rate containers. That means plants in other containers are over irrigated – wasting water, nutrients and money. Even worse, over-irrigation negatively affects plant health.
Without CNL, even a well-designed irrigation system has many sources of nonuniformity. Pressure losses cause plants at the end of each row to get less water than those at the beginning. This can be minimized with large diameter laterals, but then consider that not all Spitters turn on at the same time as the lateral fills up at the beginning of each irrigation set. Again, the plants at the beginning of the line get more water than the plants at the end. This is a big challenge in high-frequency irrigation where fill-up time can be a significant percentage of the entire irrigation time.
Uniformity without CNL is an even bigger challenge if your rows are not perfectly level. Plants at the lowest point of each row get over-irrigated, first because pressure is higher at the lowest points, and second because your lines drain to the lowest point each time you turn your system off. In some nurseries on sloping terrain good uniformity without CNL is simply not possible.
Primerus PC Assemblies solve all of these problems and deliver the same amount of water to every plant in your nursery. If pressure is higher at the beginning of each row than at the end, pressure compensation keeps flow rates the same. Lateral fill-up time doesn’t affect uniformity because all Spitters turn on simultaneously when the lateral is completely full and up to 2 psi. Finally, water does not drain to the low points because flow shuts off as soon as pressure turns off – laterals remain full between irrigations.
Ordering Information
To order Primerus PC Assemblies you simply need to decide on tubing length (36″ or 48″) and either high-flow or low-flow depending on the Spot-Spitter model you are using. See the table below. Assemblies can be purchased either in bundles of 100 or in economical boxes of 1,000 units.