
Product specs, instructions and limited warranty.

spot-thumbSPOT-SPITTER  –  Data Sheet
Specifications, part numbers and detailed information on the AboveGround SPOT-SPITTER.




installation-thumbPRIMERUS TUBING – Data Sheet
Specifications, part numbers, dimensions and detailed information on Primerus Tubing.




SPOT-SPITTER Tall – Data Sheet
Specifications, part numbers, dimensions and detailed information on SPOT-SPITTER Tall.




SPOT-SPITTER Downspray – Data Sheet
Specifications, part numbers, dimensions and detailed information on SPOT-SPITTER Tall.




installation-thumbSPOT-SPITTER – Installation Instructions
Instructions on use of the SPOT-SPITTER, Primerus Tubing and the 1/8” Hole Punch for error-free installation. Includes guidelines on maximum number of emitters per lateral. An important primer for first-time SPOT-SPITTER users.



installation-thumbLIMITED WARRANTY

Limited Warranty for all Primerus Products.



installation-thumbDesign Calculator

Spot-Spitter design calculator spreadsheet in Excel.