How to Irrigate Container-Grown Blueberries With the Spot-Spitter
Blueberry growing is a challenging business, and Wish Farms is good at it. Wish has been farming for 100 years and is one of the largest suppliers of high-quality berries in the US with operations in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, California and Mexico. When JC Clinard, Vice President of Operations, decided to install a two-acre […]
How to Irrigate Cannabis and Hemp with the Spot-Spitter
Cannabis and Hemp Irrigation with the Spot-Spitter In the past few years cannabis and medicinal hemp growers have been learning what conventional nursery growers have known for decades: The Spot-Spitter is the ideal emitter type for high-end container growing. This statement is more true for cannabis and hemp than any other crop. Light media, […]